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The U-shaped employment market

    • 23 posts
    April 26, 2021 10:31 AM BST

    As you may or may not be aware the pandemic and its interaction with the 'gig economy' has seen a U-Shaped employment market arise i.e. youngers and olders experience higher unemployment than middlers. The document that I honed this from can be accessed at https://www.resolutionfoundation.org/publications/

    I had some idea that those on entry to and cessation with the jobs market may experience negative employment but didn't know how this would tally with the ever increasing (mine's 67 and going up) state retirement age i.e. potentially work for less time (money in) and yet retire/live for longer (money out).

    There could be a revenue/income generation gap just ahead or is HMG going to start some sort of Ponzi Scheme i.e. make the payments due from the revenue that is at hand?

    Can one be expected to retrain/reskill/reapprentice when there are ever increasing housing and family financial commitments to meet?