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AI and the Impact on Society

July 2, 2021
Uploaded by # Probably42 - Category: Considered Proposal - Tags: #Artificial Intelligence  #AI  #society  #Future of Work  0 1,624 0
This document focuses on 3 specific issues and opportunities relating to our future AI Society over the next 20 years that don't currently appear to being addressed, but which are fundamental to a successful future. It was produced as an input to the APPG (All Party Parliamentary Group) on Artificial Intelligence.

A much fuller coverage of recommendations relating to the opportunities of AI are covered in our three documents on AI which were written in sequence and each relates to the previous one.
Artificial Intelligence - Managing the Future (This introductory document to the topic)
Artificial Intelligence - Planning for an AI Society (Detailed Scenario Planning of alternative potential scenarios)
Artificial Intelligence Society - Proposals (Additional proposals drawing on the Scenario Planning document)