
This section is a sub-section of the Ideas Documents section.

The Ideas Documents section is for Ideas that are reasonably well developed e.g. a paper on a subject, or the output of a Pie and Pint meeting, or where the writer prefers to publish the idea as an uploaded document.

This sub-section provides an alternative way of publishing ideas in an Ideas blog. It is especially appropriate for formative ideas where comments and interaction are wanted to develop it before publishing it as a proposal. However, you can also use it for highlighting a particular proposal document you want to get comments on.

Helping others develop their ideas is a key part of getting involved with Probably42, so do view the Ideas blogs below and comment on those that particularly interest you. When viewing a blog you'll find a Subscribe option in the left hand menu so that you can be alerted to any additions or comments added to it.

When you are ready to input your own idea just use the Write New Entry button above and read our short Guidelines on how to go about it.



  • AI Ethics and Regulation

    Posted July 27, 2021 by # Probably42


      We have prepared a document AI - Ethics and Regulation as a result of attending one of the APPG (All Party Parliamentary Group) on AI, series of events on inputs to the Governments AI Strategy.  This particu Read More...

  • Feedback on the AI Roadmap

    Posted July 27, 2021 by # Probably42


    We recently produced n input to the AI Council as part of feedback on their AI Roadmap. The AI Roadmap will be an input to the Government on their AI Strategy. Our document is at AI Strategy Input. What a Read More...

  • Engendering a National Productivity Obsession

    Posted May 18, 2021 by # Probably42


    Why would we want to Engender a National Obsession with Productivity?   Organisations improving their productivity levels are able to invest more, generate more profit, pay more to the Exchequer and are more compe Read More...

  • Why isn’t AI being deployed for the good of all

    Posted April 8, 2021 by # Probably42


    This short overview summarises the issue regarding the impact of AI on Jobs and Work and the concern that the Government isn't looking far enough ahead. It is based on the thinking and proposals in our various Considered Read More...

  • Meritocratic Capitalism

    Posted October 3, 2018 by Tony Clack


    Grateful for any comments on this short paper which can be viewed at Meritocratic Capitalism is about rewarding organisational merit for the benefit of s Read More...

  • Manifesto of Ideas for our Future Society in the 21st Century

    Posted July 18, 2018 by # Probably42


    We've recently updated the Ideas Manifesto which collects together the best ideas published on Probably 42 into a coherent document which addresses 10 Top Issues of our time. You can view it at Read More...

  • Artificial Intelligence Submission to House of Lords

    Posted July 18, 2018 by # Probably42


    At the end of 2017 we provided input to the House of Lords select committee on Artificial Intelligence. You can see what we had to say at Read More...

  • Ideas Documents elsewhere

    Posted July 18, 2018 by # Probably42


    Rather than publish Ideas as Ideas blogs, we have published them for the moment under the Proposals section as a series of Ideas documents. You can see the wide range of these by browsing the Proposals section. If you w Read More...

  • Politics, Business & the Common Good

    Posted January 27, 2018 by Tony Clack

    6 Comments 6,074 Views

    Politics, Business and the Common Good and the relevance to Probably42. To help with my own thinking in retirement about some of the big issues and then coming up with ideas for how we might tackle them, I decided to do Read More...

  • What should the objectives of education be in today's world?

    Posted October 25, 2017 by Tony Clack

    3 Comments 18,650 Views

    The 'strawman' objectives put forward for discussion below were just one part of a Pie and Pint discussion group on the topic of education. The full output is available in the Proposal/Document section at http://www.prob Read More...

  • Manifesto for our Future Society

    Posted August 10, 2017 by Tony Clack


    This Ideas blog entry links to a 'strawman' manifesto which draws together some of the ideas on Probably42 and is published to enable comment and improvement.  It focuses on the top 10 strategie Read More...

  • Manifesto of Ideas for our Future Society - Introduction

    Posted July 4, 2017 by Tony Clack


    This introductory document has now been replaced by the full manifesto filed under the Proposals category at

  • Formula 1 Format

    Posted May 25, 2017 by Tony Clack

    2 Comments 15,605 Views

    F1 Format I enjoy F1 and usually watch each race but I was struck last year when watching that despite supporting Louis and therefore getting some satisfaction from him being out front, the only few seconds of excitemen Read More...

  • Building online communities

    Posted April 29, 2017 by Madeleine Boom

    1 Comment 1 Like 48,047 Views

    Online communities such as Facebook and LinkedIn are part of the structure of our lives. They inform both our online and offline behaviours and permeate many areas of our lives that would have seemed unimaginable perhaps Read More...

  • Idea: Nat Ins and the Self-employed - embryonic

    Posted March 9, 2017 by David Sinclair

    1 Comment 6,567 Views

    The Chancellor has announced that he will raise the level of National Insurance for the self-employed from April 2018. There is already some pressure for him to change his mind and there is time to persuade him to do so, Read More...

  • The March of Intelligent Automation

    Posted March 2, 2017 by Tony Clack

    5 Comments 6,120 Views

    Summary (full description of Issue and Idea is at There is a potential, rather than actual, issue related to the deployment o Read More...

  • Business Rates

    Posted February 20, 2017 by David Sinclair

    1 Comment 29,816 Views

    Business rates are due to go up in April, to bring them in line with current rental values. This means that small and medium size businesses and shops in areas of high rental value, ie, London and the south east for Read More...

  • Housing Crisis

    Posted January 31, 2017 by # Probably42

    5 Comments 1 Like 22,109 Views

      There is an on-going Housing Crisis caused by the rapidly escalating price of homes over a long period of time, making owning a home unaffordable for many of our children. The description of this issue has been Read More...